Sunday 1 November 2015

My experience in Gadalajara:Mohernando

Last week I went to a farm house in El Encinar in Mohernando in Gadalajara.In El Encinar, Mohernando, Guadalajara. Because we got a PIL. We went whit a bus whit the class we started in 7 am and we finished 16 pm and we go to the school 10 am and we been in the school are the 19 pm. The firts activity are the cutch the flag, are 2 teams 1U.K and 2 U.S.A a other activity are the teachers whit a play whit you win the teacher cross whit a mark and yo go to a other teacher find and your lost you can go other time we past 5 minutes, a other activity are crocodrile can you cross the river??? You can cross are you wearing a ... and the last boy or girl they win the game we play 2 times, a we're play are cluedo are a game we are to find the person to die a "Jeffery" and we was Raquel and we play a game we you go to teachers and we can they a normal person wy to money and she or he are a thieves they take your money. We are very good teachers we are Sam,Alonso,Elio,Jenna,Maggali,Monica and Raquel was she are the "director"my most friends are Ruperez,Galmez,Juan Miguel, Dani,Matheu and Viktor, the Encinar are a big place are very bigger and we have space bu was sports and running we're a good place, Here are more nature: animals,swimming pool,grass and the animals are spices very rare in the farm, the bedrooms are little but the dinner room are very big and the food are very good, i learn very english whit the fauna day, flora day, water day, earth day and global warning day. The experiencie of the Encinar was very good week in Mohernando, Guadalajara and I'm enjoy whit this P.I.L.           

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